Excellent sites for your business


Choosing the right hosting for your website is a crucial step in building a solid online presence. Awesomes offers comprehensive hosting services that are ideal for small and medium-sized businesses looking for fast and reliable solutions.

Excellent sites for your business


Choosing the right hosting for your website is a crucial step in building a solid online presence. Awesomes offers comprehensive hosting services that are ideal for small and medium-sized businesses looking for fast and reliable solutions.

What can we offer?

Our hosting packages are more than just server space. We offer full support and maintenance, including:

  • Domain transfer from another design company.
  • Transferring an existing website design from your current provider.
  • Migrating emails to our system.
  • Changing nameservers, A records and CNames – technical support for your domain.
  • Updates and optimizations of your site after the transfer.
  • Accelerate page loading for better performance.
  • Added SSL certificate for increased security.
  • WordPress support and plugin updates.
  • Website support and maintenance packages.

You don’t have to worry about the technical aspects of your site’s operation – we’ll take care of everything. Our hosting solutions are flexible, tailored to your budget and needs. We give you the ability to manage content, blog and provide the highest level of data security.

Guaranteed safety and performance

  • Monitoring bezpieczeństwa
    Regularnie skanujemy Twoją stronę w poszukiwaniu luk w zabezpieczeniach, abyś nie musiał martwić się o potencjalne zagrożenia.
  • Automatyczne kopie zapasowe
    Codziennie tworzymy kopie zapasowe plików i bazy danych Twojej strony, aby w razie potrzeby przywrócić ją do pełnej sprawności.
  • Optymalizacja wydajności
    Szybkość działania strony ma kluczowe znaczenie zarówno dla użytkowników, jak i dla wyszukiwarek.
  • Aktualizacja oprogramowania
    Korzystamy z najnowszego oprogramowania, aby Twoja strona działała płynnie i była zgodna z obecnymi standardami.
  • Łatwa migracja
    Pomagamy w prostym przeniesieniu Twojej strony na nasz serwer bez przestojów.
  • Naprawa zhakowanej strony
    Jeśli Twoja strona padnie ofiarą ataku, jesteśmy gotowi do szybkiej reakcji.

Why is a Landing Page so important?

Most online marketers describe landing pages as a sales tactic focused on getting users to take a specific action after clicking on a link from an SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or SMM (Social Media Marketing) campaign. Instead of landing on a generic homepage, landing pages clearly outline what the user is supposed to get and how to get it. With clear conversion results, landing pages have become an essential part of every company’s marketing arsenal.

Landing page = higher conversion?

That’s how it should be, provided your landing page design is optimized enough to lead users to consume your content and immediately move on to purchase. However, it’s not always that simple. The effectiveness of a landing page depends on a number of factors. Often comprised of images, buttons, paragraphs, and forms, a landing page aims to simplify the process to the bare minimum, which in turn increases conversion rates. However, creating an effective landing page is more than just designing a newsletter, SEM/SMM ad, or homepage. There are certain guidelines you should follow to maximize its features and achieve conversion success.